

时间:2019-03-27 16:23:28  阅读:281895+

  Sappi首次出席上海Luxe Pack国际奢侈品包装展

  高品质、个性化的包装对终端用户、品牌制造商和设计师都有着同样的吸引力。Sappi此次出席上海Luxe Pack国际奢侈品包装展,也是其首次在中国亮相。这家制造商将会演示其产品所能展现的各种效果。4月10日和11日,上海展览中心A19号展位将提供用途极为繁多的高品质白卡纸样,供展会访客参观了解。

  届时,Sappi将在展位上集中展示其Algro Design和Atelier两个系列的白卡产品。其光泽和整体表面特性出众,是成就成功品牌传播的理想选择,适用于各种行业的产品设计:如化妆品和香水、美容护理用品、时尚产品和高档食品,等等。因为在这些特殊领域中,商品在销售网点和货架上的品牌效应,足以决定销售额的高低。


  Algro Design系列具有三种类型,已经在许多品牌制造商中间享有多年美誉。许多高端产品都是借助Algro Design包装成功展现在消费者面前。单一浆种白卡(solid bleached board,SBB)具有鲜明的呈色效果、高对比度和最佳适机性能。此外,其丝滑质感和防紫外线性能同样无与伦比。Algro Design产品系列拥有卓越的视觉效果,并可在印刷、表面处理和精加工过程中实现极高的精确度。视类型而定,产品背面分别有未涂布、单层涂布和双层涂布三种类型,适用于多样的表面处理。这使设计师、设计公司和品牌制造商能够在包装上突出其产品的独有特色。


  Sappi将于四月初发布全新GC1Atelier系列白卡,并在上海Luxe Pack国际奢侈品包装展上展出。由此Sappi开拓了白卡纸板的新局面。Atelier 系列的特点在于极致的白度和纯度,以及在具备高光泽的同时提供丝滑手感。此外,该系列产品的机械浆成分所提供的厚度及挺度也都令人信服。凭借上述优势,Atelier系列为折叠纸盒市场确立了新的标准。





  图片来源:Sappi Europe


  about Sappi

  Sappi Europe SA is the leading European producer of coated fine paper used in premium magazines, catalogues, books and high-end print advertising. Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, Sappi Europe is recognised for innovation and quality. Its graphic paper brands include Magno™, Quatro™, Vantage™, Royal, Galerie™ and GalerieArt™ ranges. Algro®, Leine®, Parade®, Fusion® and Atelier™ are the brands for innovative solutions of speciality papers and boards.

  Sappi papers are produced in mills accredited with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 certification and EMAS registration for all our mills in the EU. Sappi European mills hold chain-of-custody certification under the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC®) and/or the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™) schemes.

  Sappi Europe SA is a division of Sappi Limited (JSE), a global company headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, with 12,600 employees and manufacturing operations on three continents in nine countries, sales offices in 50 countries, and customers in over 150 countries around the world.
